It is a way to “level the playing field” with peers by removing any barriers to learning that could be caused by the disability. The purpose of the accommodations and modifications is to provide the student with what he/she needs to be most successful in school. Related Article: How Do You Know if Your Child Needs an IEP at School? What is the Purpose of Giving Students Accommodations or Modifications in School? Sometimes the student is able to give insight into what they need as well. These same professionals, along with the child’s parents or guardians, can help determine what accommodations or modifications can go in a student’s IEP or 504 plan.

Sometimes other professionals such as a speech/language clinician, occupational therapist, special education teacher, school counselor, or hearing specialist participate in the evaluation process as well.

Whether or not your child meets criteria for a disability under IDEA is generally determined by an evaluation completed by a school psychologist. How Does a School Determine if a Student Meets Criteria for a Disability under IDEA? Students who are considered to have a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (e.g., autism, ADHD, intellectual disability, emotional disability, learning disability), or students who have a condition diagnosed by a doctor, that impacts their ability to perform to their fullest potential in school, are generally offered accommodations and/or modifications in the school setting through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan (described in further detail below). Who is Entitled to Accommodations or Modifications in the School Setting? This article provides that knowledge, along with tips and insight. Parents may not always know what accommodations or modifications are available to their child with special needs in school. You may be interested in 33 Possible Accommodations and Modifications in the Virtual Setting Why Did I Write This Article?

This was originally written prior to COVID-19 in November 2017 however, it was amended and republished n April 2021.